I happened across a blog in which a girl told her story of how she withdrew from steroid use and something she said resonated in me. I often think about her and how she made it through. Her words gave me the courage to keep moving forward. She said; "if you keep going, and don't give up, there will be a pot of gold waiting for you at the end." After reading this, I could feel a ball of warm light in my chest. There was a way out. If someone else had come out the other side, then I could too. I held this thought with me through my entire recovery and the ball of light shone brighter and brighter as the days went on.
By this stage, roughly 3 months after cessation, my skin began to peel on an epic scale. I looked like a snake shedding its outer layer of skin. The Sebhorric Dermatitis was back and I could literally pick large pieces of skin from my face. Seb Derm is an inflammatory skin disorder (which I now have under control with the use of supplements), and it is often treated with topical steroids. I was bolstered by the fact however, that underneath all the shedding and scaling, (apart from on my cheeks where I still had Rosacea), there seemed to be clear, even, healthy-looking skin. This was a comfort to me and I held onto the vision that one day, the dry, scaly, greasy skin would be gone for good.
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